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Organic Agriculture


The working group on organic agriculture aims to increase the participation of the Western Balkan countries in the growing market for organic products. The initial focus is on adapting the legal and administrative framework to EU requirements. At present, the proportion of food produced in the Western Balkans in accordance with the EU Organic Regulation is still very low and almost exclusively destined for export. Future issues therefore include precise market monitoring and coordinated support measures for conversion, advice and marketing. In this way, the necessary institutional capacities for control laboratories and inspection bodies can also be strengthened. Ultimately, the organic sector in the region will be sustainably strengthened and competitiveness increased.


The first meeting of the working group took place in Serbia in November 2021. Since then, the working group has met three times a year in the SWG member countries to share national progress and analyses. International input is also provided through the participation of experts from the BMEL, the EU and industry and certification associations. The meetings promote the exchange of knowledge and deepen regional cooperation. The members of the working group represent a wide range of institutions, including ministries for agriculture and rural development, universities and research institutions. This underlines the group's multidisciplinary approach to promoting organic farming in the region. In the summer of 2022, the working group undertook its first study trip to Germany to take an in-depth look at organic farming. Among other things, the participants visited the Dottenfelderhof in Bad Vilbel and took part in expert discussions at the Ökofeldtage in Hesse, which offered insights into the political framework, practices and challenges of organic farming in Germany.

In February 2024, a second study trip took the delegation to BIOFACH in Nuremberg, the leading international trade fair for organic food. A round table discussion between the delegation members with the participation of the EU Chair (Head of Organic at DG Agri) and the responsible head of the BMEL sub-department provided an opportunity for a comprehensive exchange on the topic of organic policy. 

A summer school on the topic of organic is planned for 2025 as part of the project.


Action plan

for the transposition, implementation and enforcement of EU Regulation 2018/848 with implementing and subordinate regulations for the six Western Balkan states

Drafting of a national law

and the main secondary legislation on organic production submitted to the competent institutions of all six Western Balkan countries

Strategic guidance document for the organic sector

A strategic guidance document entitled "How to Develop the Organic Sector in the West Balkan Region and Moldova from 2024-27" is currently being developed. The aim is to create a holistic framework to promote the development of the organic sector in the region based on the Market System Development (MSD) approach. It includes the following areas of action:

  • Action area 1: Production and processing
  • Action area 2: Market development, sales, marketing, promotion
  • Action area 3: Regulations, certification and control, policies
  • Action area 4: Research, education, training, advisory services
  • Cross-cutting action areas

Further information

Further information and presentations from the working group meetings can be found here.